I've got to be honest, I don't find Autumn exciting. It marks the end of summer (my favourite season-when we have one that is) and it means winter will be here before we know it (my least favourite season.) And is it just me, or does Autumn last about 5 minutes and winter gets at least 5 months. It's just rude. But, it is pretty. And whilst I'm not about to throw a parade in its honour, I will enjoy the changing colours and the cozy jumpers and the hot chocolates and blanket snuggles. And I'm always thankful I get to live somewhere that does have 4 very differing seasons, coz let's face it sun sun sun would get old pretty quick. (Or at least that's what I tell myself on those days when I've forgotten what blue sky looks like and I've got to get the kids from school and my coat is still wet from the morning drop off!!) So yes, yay seasons! 😉